Understanding how to create a monthly budget may not be easy but it is vital in keeping your finances in check. You must be as detailed as possible creating your budget or it will not be helpful in accounting for all of your monthly expenses. When done properly the end result will show where your money comes from, how much money there is and where it is all going…
Steps to Creating Your Budget:
1. Gather all of your statements. Be sure to include bank statements, investment accounts, recent utility bills and any other source of income or expense. The more information you can dig up the better.
2. Record all sources of income. For those who are self-employed or have other sources of income be sure to record these as well. Be sure to use your net (take home) income for creating your budget.
3. Create a list of your expenses. List all of your expected expenses for a given month. This includes mortgage/rent payments, car payments, auto insurance, groceries, utilities, entertainment, dry cleaning, auto insurance, retirement and college savings. Basically include everything you spend money on.
(For more detailed budget add this step)
Break expenses into two categories: fixed and variable. Fixed expenses are those that stay relatively the same each month and are required parts of your way of living. They included expenses such as your mortgage or rent, car payments, cable and/or internet service, trash pickup, credit card payments and so on. These expenses for the most part are essential yet not likely to change in the budget. Variable expenses are the type that will change from month to month and include items such as groceries, gasoline, entertainment, eating out and gifts to name a few. This category will be important when making adjustments.
4. Total everything up. If your end result shows more income than expenses you are off to a good start. If you are showing a higher expense column than income it means some changes will have to be made.
5. Make adjustments where needed. If you have accurately identified and listed all of your expenses the goal would be to have your income and expense columns match up! For those who find themselves in the situation where expenses are higher than income, be sure to look at your variable expenses to identify areas where you may be able to reduce a specific expense.
6. Constant review of your monthly budget. Now that you have a budget the most important part is to use it. Most of us think we know where we are spending our money but trust me that just is not the case. For example, who actually accounts for that extra soda in a day, extra trip to the mall or just something that comes up? The short answer is none of us…
Very few of us are experts in accounting for our daily, weekly or monthly spending. Therefore, my goal in putting these somewhat simple steps together was that we, at a minimum, put one more second of thought when it comes to spending the last couple of bucks in the bottom of our wallets. The counselors at Debt Free are experts in analyzing your monthly budget and offer this during a free consultation.
I hope you found this information useful in planning your monthly budget. Please check back often as new information is added daily.
Debt Free's debt management and consumer credit counselors are focused on helping people get out of debt, providing debt management, debt solutions, and financial education programs.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Debt Consolidation Options
There are numerous options out there to help people become debt free. Services such as credit counseling, debt settlement, debt negotiation and credit repair all fall into this category.
Established, regulated industries such as those in the credit counseling arena follow strict state-mandated guidelines, and are subject to numerous controls and audits. Other services, including debt settlement and debt negotiation, are newer, and are subject to less government oversight.
Recently, the FTC has issued laws for the debt settlement/negotiation industries, but there are still many bad apples not wanting to abide by these laws.
In deciding between debt management companies, make sure you know what kind of questions to ask. One of the better ways to discover which company is a good candidate to meet your financial goals to get out of debt is to call them, and speak to someone at the company. For example:
Since 1997, the management team at Debt Free has designed consumer friendly programs which have helped tens of thousands people with their debt. By offering both credit counseling and debt settlement services, consumers are able to choose the debt management program that best fit their needs. They offer top quality credit counseling services, and their debt settlement program was designed to model the credit counseling industry in that they do not collect front loaded settlement fees.
Speak with a counselor at Debt Free today. The call is free, and within 15 minutes you can have a financial plan to get out of debt quickly, and be debt free.
Established, regulated industries such as those in the credit counseling arena follow strict state-mandated guidelines, and are subject to numerous controls and audits. Other services, including debt settlement and debt negotiation, are newer, and are subject to less government oversight.
Recently, the FTC has issued laws for the debt settlement/negotiation industries, but there are still many bad apples not wanting to abide by these laws.
In deciding between debt management companies, make sure you know what kind of questions to ask. One of the better ways to discover which company is a good candidate to meet your financial goals to get out of debt is to call them, and speak to someone at the company. For example:
- If a debt settlement company collects the majority of their fees in the first 12 months of a program, do you think they really have a financial incentive to be there for you in the later months of the program? This is a major violation of the new FTC laws, yet it is still being practiced. Did they just pop up over night?
- Do they give you multiple options to choose from when it comes to the debt management program, or do they only offer a single program (one size fits all)?
- Do they have a track record of providing good service while helping thousands and thousands of people get out of debt?
Since 1997, the management team at Debt Free has designed consumer friendly programs which have helped tens of thousands people with their debt. By offering both credit counseling and debt settlement services, consumers are able to choose the debt management program that best fit their needs. They offer top quality credit counseling services, and their debt settlement program was designed to model the credit counseling industry in that they do not collect front loaded settlement fees.
Speak with a counselor at Debt Free today. The call is free, and within 15 minutes you can have a financial plan to get out of debt quickly, and be debt free.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Welcome to Debt Free
Debt Free is pleased to announce a new tool to educate consumers on how to become Debt Free. Call now to speak with a financial counselor and create a customized plan to become Debt Free. 1-800-997-2304
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